The BEST 2nd And 3rd Trimester To Do List For New Moms

There are so many things to do to prepare for the birth of a child that it can be overwhelming. This 2nd and 3rd trimester checklist can help you stay organized and make sure you get everything done that you need to.

I love to plan ahead and prepare myself as much as possible (this goes for anything I can plan, not just birthing a baby). It actually drives my husband crazy sometimes! When I am pregnant the nesting really kicks into overdrive and I NEED to prepare… and I mean prepare everything! I typically start preparing in the 2nd trimester what I can and then I finish my to do list in my 3rd trimester.

Updated 2/15/23

Read on for the ultimate 3rd trimester checklist!

I mean we all know that birthing a baby and taking care of a newborn is hard work! Yes, they sleep a lot, but you will also be very tired from all-night feedings, diaper changes, and postpartum body changes. It can be really hard to do anything or get anything done other than taking care of your newborn (and other children). Here is a list of things to do in your 2nd and 3rd trimester to prepare for your baby’s arrival.

Preparing for your baby’s arrival can help decrease stress and it can help you to be able to dedicate your time to your baby, older kids, and your own recovery if you don’t have to worry about taking care of these things after the baby arrives.

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2nd And 3rd Trimester To Do List:

  1. Deep Clean your house
  • This is something I start in the 2nd trimester (as I am feeling better). Check out this post for a schedule for deep cleaning your house. When I am preparing for the arrival of a baby, I adjust the schedule slightly so I can get everything done before the baby comes, but I still do all of the items listed in the post.
  • I like to deep clean my house before baby comes because let’s be honest, it’s a good 6-12 months before I even start thinking (or caring) about that again!
  • Basically, do anything you can to help you save time!

2. Stock Up On Household Items

  • Here is a post on all the household items I stock up on before the baby arrives.
  • This is another thing I start in the 2nd trimester. Then I can spread out the cost over a larger period of time and it is not such a large cost all at once.
  • I really think stocking up ahead of time helps me. I can make sure I have everything I need and I don’t have to worry about my husband buying the wrong item if I have to send him to the store.

3. Buy All Baby Related Items-

4. Prepare Freezer Meals or Purchase a Few Easy To Prep Meals-

  • Here are a few freezer meal plans from Pinterest that I like to use for recipes for freezer meals: Easy Freezer Meals at and 21 Freezer Meals at
  • If you don’t like to prepare freezer meals or you don’t have time to make something, I would recommend buying a few meals from the freezer section in your local grocery store. I would strongly encourage you to have a few meals you can just warm up on days when you just don’t feel like cooking.

5. Prepare your older children and pets for baby’s arrival-

  • This will look slightly different for everyone, but at the time of my youngest’s arrival, my kids were 4.5 and 21 months. For months before, I talked to both of them about what to expect and that they might have to be more patient. My 4.5-year-old understood, but I don’t think my 21-month-old really understood what was happening.
  • I did try to make them wait a few extra minutes for things (like a snack or getting something they wanted) to help prepare my youngest for having to wait if I was busy with the baby.
  • I also had a friend with a baby come over so my 21 month old could get used to sharing mom and having mom take care of another baby.
  • We also worked on “nice and soft touches” using a doll to help my 21-month-old.
  • By the time my 3rd baby came around, our dog was used to kids and was not interested in babies or their stuff. However, before we had our first baby, we did try to leave baby items out on the floor so the dog understood they were not his toys. We also brought other babies around him so he was used to babies being around.

6. Create a Busy Box for older kids to play quietly while you are feeding the baby-

  • I bought a few new games that the kids could play on their own while I was feeding the baby. New toys and games always seem to be more exciting.
  • I also put books, colors, colored popsicle sticks (they could build stuff or sort them based on colors), and pipe cleaners with large beads for them to make projects and work on fine motor skills in the box.
  • I ONLY let them have this box when I am feeding the baby. It’s more exciting for them if they only get it at certain times and it seems to entertain them better.
  • I think it would even be a great idea (I didn’t have time to make multiple) to have multiple busy boxes and then you can switch it up.

Here is a great post from by Karen at for ideas for busy bins for toddlers. These are fun ways to keep your toddler entertained while you are busy with baby.

7. Get nursery ready-

  • Clean it.
  • Get the furniture you want in there.
  • Decorate it.
  • Wash, fold, and organize baby’s clothes. I usually did newborn and 0-3 month sizes.
  • Set up a diaper changing station (whether or not you have a changing table). Get diapers, wipes, diaper cream, a changing pad or blanket, and extra clothes handy.
  • The baby always sleeps in our room at first. So, get a safe sleep area setup for baby in your room as well.

8. Get nursing station and diaper changing station set up-

  • I usually set up 2 nursing stations. 1 in our main living room and 1 in our bedroom. The babies slept in our room for the first 3-9 months (depending on the kid). Once they move into their room, I move the nursing station to their bedroom instead of mine.
  • I usually have a Haakaa (check out my post on How To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply for more information on why I LOVE the Haakaa), nursing pads, nipple cream, a Boppy pillow, and a nursing cover in our living room for when people are over and I am feeding (but I think this depends on your comfort level… and who your guest is).
  • When our babies are very small, I like to have 3 diaper changing stations. 1 in our main living room, 1 in our bedroom for nighttime changes, and 1 in the baby’s room. The less I have to go up/down the stairs the first couple weeks, the better!
  • I usually have a lot of diapers and wipes, extra clothes (for the the baby and usually a change of a nursing tank top for me), diaper cream, and a changing pad or blanket.
  • Check out this post for great tips and tricks for breastfeeding.

9. Make sure to stock up on essential Post Partum Items-

  • Tucks Pads
  • Dermoplast Spray (I did get this from the hospital)
  • Nursing pads
  • Nipple cream
  • Nursing tank tops
  • Nursing bra
  • Lots of Pads of different sizes
  • Tylenol and/or advil
  • Hot pack or heating pad- those post partum cramps while your uterus shrinks are no joke and they get worse every baby!
  • I also like to make sure I have gripe water and gas drops in case you have a colicky or gassy baby.
  • SNACKS! Make sure to have lots of snacks!

10. Pack your hospital bag, baby’s bag, and older kids bag

  • Also make sure you have someone lined up to watch your older kids and pets if needed.

11. Prepare your body for birth and labor-

  • Stay active- take walks, continue with whatever exercise you have been doing as you are able to.
  • Do lots of squats (make sure to focus on your form and staying safe!). Squats help keep you strong and I think they help your body prepare for birth.
  • Stretch- make sure to do what is safe for you, but the more flexible you can stay the less pain you are likely to have during pregnancy and this can help you during birth as well.
  • Do Kegels- make sure to do them properly (most people actually don’t do them properly! If you aren’t sure, see a physical therapist that specializes in Women’s Health! They can help). Kegels keep your pelvic floor strong!
  • Do SAFE exercises on an exercise or birthing ball.
  • was a GREAT resource for me… it is helpful both for exercises to keep you comfortable during pregnancy and also for labor positions.

12. Create a birth plan and make sure your partner or labor support person knows your birth plan.

  • Also, make sure to have all the hospital and your doctor numbers handy.
  • Make sure to fill out any hospital paperwork and preregistration that needs to be done as well.
  • Talk to your provider about a breast pump if you plan to breastfeed.

13. Clean your car

14. Install the car seat and make sure you know how to use and tighten the car seat straps.

15. Take some time for yourself

  • I like to take a day in the last month of pregnancy to get a pedicure, relax, and go shopping by myself, but find whatever you enjoy doing and take some time to do that! It might be a while before you can do this!
  • Here are some great tips to help decrease stress and how to beat mom guilt.

16. Go on a date with your spouse.

17. Spend a day doing something fun with your older kids.

  • It might be a while before you are feeling well enough to do this and the baby will demand more of your time.
  • I like to try to do something special with the older kids before baby comes.

18. Get the diaper bag packed and ready.

19. Sterilize bottles and pacifiers, and make sure you know how to work your breast pump.

Trust me, the more prepared you are with everything else in your house, the better you will feel! You will be less stressed and have more time to focus on your baby and the other kids. So take the time to prepare before the baby comes! You won’t regret it! Good luck with your baby!

What things have helped you prepare for baby’s arrival?

If you enjoyed this post, check out my post on the ultimate list of breastfeeding must haves for moms.

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