Returning To Work After Baby- How To Make Your Evenings Less Stressful

Updated: 11/9/22

Returning to work after having a baby is stressful! There is never enough time between when you get home and bedtime to get everything done. Here is the evening routine I use to decrease my weekday stress with a baby (and older kids at home).

Not only is it hard to leave your baby all day, but it’s hard to find time to do everything that parents need to do… There are just so many things pulling us in so many directions! Some days are easier than others, but it is still challenging.

It took me a few years, but by the time I had my 3rd baby, I finally came up with a good evening routine when returning to work after having baby to help me stay more organized and to decrease stress when going to work each day. I am hopeful it might help someone else ease some weekday stress!

I think the key to success is to find a routine that is manageable for your family and stay organized! I like to use a planner to keep things organized.

Messes, laundry piles, and being unorganized give me great anxiety! Our house is by no means spotless, but I try my best. I try to do a little laundry and cleaning each day to help my house stay a little cleaner. Although when you have small kids at home, I am not sure your house can ever be perfectly clean. Here are some tips on how to keep your house clean with kids.

Being a mom and working full-time is no joke… it can be very challenging. I am hoping by sharing this, it might help someone else be less stressed and more organized when returning to work after having a baby!

I currently only work part-time out of the home, but up until a little over a year ago, I worked full-time. My 3rd baby at the time was about 20 months when I started working part-time due to unforeseen medical issues with one of my children. It was a blessing in disguise, but that’s another story for another time.

When I was working full-time, I would leave the house at about 6 am and return home at about 5 pm 4 days a week. I usually had Thursdays off. My husband usually brings the kids to daycare and pickup is usually 50/50 depending on who gets done working earlier that day (and the time of year… my husband’s job is more demanding spring-fall. So I have more responsibility at home during these times of the year).

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It was very important (it still is but it’s a little easier now with more time at home) for me to try to stay organized both so my kids knew what to expect and so I could maintain my sanity. When my children were infants, we typically started their bedtime routine between 6:30-6:45 pm. We try to keep a good routine, as it seems to help bedtime go more smoothly, and then the kids know what to expect.

Here is a rough outline of our schedule:

  • When I get home from work (around 5), get the kids unloaded, and the first thing I do is change into comfy clothes. I feel like I can get more done and move faster when I am comfy.

  • After I change, I immediately bring my clothes to the laundry room and start a load of laundry.
    • That way it is done washing by the time I go to bed and I can throw it in the drier.
    • These first 2 steps usually take me 10-15 minutes.
    • So, that brings us to about 5:15 pm.

  • Then I start supper.
    • I typically meal prep one day on the weekend (that is another post I plan to share in the future). So “starting” supper consists of throwing something in the oven or just warming it up and cutting fresh fruit.
    • We try to start eating around 5:30 or shortly after.
    • I will feed the baby while I am waiting for supper to get ready.

  • I typically finish eating faster than my kids. So, I start cleaning up dishes while they finish eating.
    • I can typically get the majority of the dishes done while they finish. My kids usually take about 30 minutes or so to eat (depending on what we are eating and how hungry they are).
    • So, this usually brings me to about 6 pm or shortly after.
    • Depending on how the baby is doing, I will feed baby while I eat, let the baby play on the floor, or wear my baby in a wrap, like this one. The more kids I had, the more I use the wrap.

  • Next, I set the timer for 5 minutes. The kids play or finish eating (when our babies were small, I would baby wear during this time) while I clean as fast as I can…
    • I typically finish dishes and on a good day, I can also fold a little laundry during this time… side note, how can there be so many kids’ clothes in one load?!

  • After that, I play and visit with the kids until about 6:30 pm.
    • If it’s been an especially chaotic evening and I run behind, I sometimes push this a little later. I think getting a little time to enjoy my kids each evening is important.

  • At 6:30, I set the timer for 5 minutes and we all pick up toys and clean together for 5 minutes. It’s amazing how much can get done when we work together!

  • Then, everyone gets PJs on (bath time if it’s a bath night), read stories, etc. This usually brings us to about 7 pm or shortly after.

  • Once everyone is ready, the older kids do their homework (with my husband’s help if needed) and have a snack while I put the baby to bed.
    • I am usually done putting the baby to bed around 7:30/7:45 or so.

  • Then the older kids brush their teeth, read a story, and go to bed. The older kids usually go to bed around 8 pm.
    • On a good day, I will have time to play quietly or visit with the older kids for a little while longer before they need to go to bed.

  • Once all my kids are in bed, I do a little prep to help for the next day…
    • Make lunches
    • Get the coffee pot ready. I have it set to brew 5 minutes before I wake up
    • Clean pump parts and set them out to dry. I keep 2 sets of pump parts. That way while 1 set is drying for the next day, I can already pack them for the morning so I just have to grab them and go.
    • Put clean, dry pump parts in a bag.
    • Set out clothes for the next day
    • Start the Roomba
    • Fold a load of laundry if I haven’t had time to do so yet. Check out this post for more detail on the things I try to do each night to get stuff done.
  • Then I set the timer for 5 more minutes and do a little more power cleaning. This usually takes me until between 8:30-8:45.

  • After that, I typically try to relax and/or visit with my husband for about 15-30 minutes and then get myself ready for bed.

For me, cleaning in 5 minute chunks seems more manageable after a long days work. I also typically leave for work around 6 am. So I try to get everything ready for the next day. Then I can just grab them and go!

It is a lot of stuff to fit into a short period of time and it can be very hectic.

If you are reading this, I hope this helped you to get some new ideas for an evening routine when returning to work after having a baby. Evenings can be stressful but I think a good routine can certainly help. There are sometimes things that come up in the evenings that cause us to have to stray from this routine, but we try our best to keep a consistent routine.

This routine is by no means perfect and we do have to vary from the routine some nights. Some nights things just don’t go as planned!

No matter what your routine, remember to do what works best for your family and to give yourself some grace! Be kind to yourself! You are doing the best you can! Motherhood can be hard at times.

Remember if you have having trouble getting everything done, are stressed out, etc. there is nothing wrong with getting help, which can come in many forms… ask your spouse, family, or friends for help, get external help for cleaning, meal delivery services, etc. Here are some ways you can help decrease stress. You need to do what works for you and your family!

Do you have other great tips for returning to work after having a baby?

If you enjoyed this post check out: this deep cleaning schedule for your home and ways to save money for moms on a budget.

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