Essential Baby Items You Need In 2023

Having a baby is expensive! Not only are babies expensive, but they need a lot of stuff for such a small human. I have 3 kids and if you are like me, I am always trying to figure out where to cut expenses to save money for our family. This of essential baby items will not only help you get what you need but will help you save money by avoiding excess costs and items.

I am not only always trying to save money, but I am also constantly trying to declutter… Clutter gives me anxiety and the more stuff you have, the more you have to clean. I am going to tell you which baby items you actually NEED and which aren’t really necessary in 2023.

This list will hopefully help you save some money by avoiding unnecessary purchases and also save some space! When I had my first baby, I thought I NEEDED everything… by the time I had my 3rd baby, I had actually gotten rid of several baby items that I didn’t really use that often.

Here is a link to a free downloadable pdf for baby registry checklist

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Here are essential baby items you actually NEED in 2023:

  1. Pack-N-Play-

  • I bought one with a bassinet attachment. I used this for all of our babies instead of a bassinet when they slept in our room. Our kids stayed in our room for the first 3-6 months (depending on which kid). Having a pack-n-play can help you avoid having a bassinet.
  • In my opinion, you do NOT need any other attachments other than the bassinet. I bought one with all kinds of different attachments and after 3 kids, the only attachment I EVER used was the bassinet attachment. I would not recommend wasting your money buying one with all kinds of attachments.
  • You will also need this for traveling.
  • I like just having one around our house for when family and friends come.

2. Crib-

  • This isn’t something that you NEED to purchase right away, but as your baby gets bigger, you will likely need one. Both of my boys figured out how to crawl out of the pack-n-play pretty quickly, but it took them much longer to be able to crawl out of the crib.
  • Here is the crib we have. It has served us well for 3 kids.

3. Bottles-

  • I would not buy a ton of bottles until you know what your baby likes. Each of my kids was completely different in what kind of bottle they preferred.
  • I would recommend having 2-3 brands of bottles on hand (but only start with a couple bottles for each brand) to see what they like before buying a ton of bottles.
  • My oldest preferred wide-neck Dr. Brown’s, my middle child would ONLY drink from Munchkin Latch bottles and my youngest preferred Tommee Tippee bottles.

  • When I was pregnant with my first baby, one of my friends recommended I have these on hand, and I was SO glad I did.
  • They are cheap and can really help a gassy baby.

5. Boppy Pillow

  • These are helpful whether you bottle feed or breast feed. I have used a regular pillow many times, but a boppy seems to work so much better.
  • I did try My Breast Friend pillow as it came highly recommended by a friend. However, I did not like the My Breast Friend pillow as much as a standard boppy.

6. Breast Pump and essentials (if you plan on pumping)-

  • I believe all insurances cover a free breast pump.
  • Hands-free pump bra in my opinion is a necessity… not only does it give you free hands to work, take care of your baby, and/or get tasks done, such as folding laundry, but I also pump way more milk when I have a hands free pumping bra. I often massage my breast (especially on the outsides) to help milk flow and help decrease clogged ducts. I also think it more evenly supports the flanges for even pressure when you are pumping.
    • Use caution with hands-free pumping bra’s though…. they are NOT all created equal. I started with the Medela brand and that did not work for me at all. Simple Wishes brand was adjustable and held the pump on more effectively.

  • Extra bottles to attach to your pump, especially if you are pumping multiple times a day. At work, I pump 3 times (mid-morning around 9 ish, at lunch, and mid-afternoon around 3 ish). I usually bring 5-6 bottles to work to pump into and I like to have some spare bottles to store the milk in (that I don’t freeze) for daycare. I think having about 10 bottles is ideal.
  • Extra set of pump parts (is ideal, but not 100% necessary)- With my first baby, I only had 1 pump and 1 set of parts… well I forgot it at home and I had to leave work to go get it because there was no way I was going to make it all day.
    • When I had my 2nd baby, my insurance covered another pump (due to the length of time between my babies). I got smart and kept my pump, extra parts, and a couple of extra bottles at work in case I forgot them.
    • What I usually do is carry a small lunch bag with my pump parts and bottles for the day and just use the pump I leave at work. Then I can store that lunch bag of pump parts in the fridge between pumping sessions to keep it cold and just bring that home each night.

  • Breast pads
  • Nipple cream- I mostly used Lanisoh and Earth Mama Brands.
  • Cleaner bags– These are expensive and I try not to use them, but I do usually keep 1-2 boxes on hand to use in a pinch or when I need to quickly sterilize pump parts or bottles on the go.

  • This might not be a NEED for everyone, but for me it is… I am modest (especially living in a small community) and like to be covered when I am around certain people. We also live in a cold climate. So I needed a car seat cover to keep the cold winter wind off my babies. It only made sense to have this since it is only $10 and can be used for both a nursing cover and a car seat cover!

8. Sleep Swaddle Sacks-

  • I think the swaddle sacks with velcro and zippers are worth the money! They are expensive… so see if you can buy them 2nd hand or put them on your baby registry! Trust me, these are worth the extra money… my kids slept so much better in them!
  • I have 3 of the 3-6 month ones. They are big on a newborn but they don’t move much. So there is just extra fabric by their feet.
  • I usually put an onsieonesie or a light sleeper underneath this. So, unless they pee or poop through it, I can use it for a day or two before it needs to be washed.

9. Receiving blankets-

  • I use these for so many things…. mostly for burp cloths, but also to cover them in the car seat or when you are holding them. I have put them on the floor when they are newborns to lay on.
  • In my opinion, skip the burp cloths and just use a receiving blanket… most burp cloths are not very big and do not cover a lot of area. Plus, if you have a baby that spits up a lot, a burp cloth will be much too small.

10. Car seat-

  • This needs no explanation… some hospitals do give them out for free when you have a baby. So maybe check with your hospital if you don’t have the money to buy one… they are expensive, but a necessary expense.
  • In my opinion, a car seat infant carrier is essential until the baby outgrows it. Here is the car seat carrier we used. Depending on how many vehicles you have, you might want to buy an extra base.
  • Once baby is out of a carrier car seat, you will need a bigger car seat. I love convertible car seats as they grow with your child and can suit multiple needs. I would recommend waiting until closer to when you will need this kind of car seat, as they do expire. We have had good luck both with Graco and Evenflo convertible car seats.

11. Good stroller- if you plan on doing any walking or taking your baby anywhere this is a necessity.

  • I think a jogging stroller is the best investment if you are planning on doing any sort of walking, jogging, or taking the stroller in the grass. I didn’t have a jogging stroller with my first and I switched to a double jogger with my 2nd and it was SO MUCH better! I wish I had it sooner.
  • This is a great option for a double jogger. You can purchase infant car seat adapters for most strollers, but that is another added expense.
  • I would recommend checking out sell-it sites, garage sales, or 2nd hand stores first. Good strollers are expensive and often you can find a used one in good shape!
  • You can also get combo infant carrier car seat and stroller, which can save you money if you want to go that route.

12. Highchair-

13. Baby monitor

  • There are so many baby monitors out there and you can spend a ton of money on baby monitors. It’s hard to know which one to choose!
  • I’ve had our 2 baby monitors since our daughter was born (7.5 years ago) and they both still work! I don’t think they sell the exact model we have anymore. This is the same brand and very similar to the monitors we have.
  • In my opinion, don’t spend a ton of money on a monitor. All you need is video, night vision, and 2-way talking capabilities.

14. Baby wrap/carrier

  • I have seen some posts where people say this isn’t needed… however, I would respectfully disagree, especially if you have other children!
  • I didn’t use this too often for my first baby… she was a great baby and I didn’t have other kids at home. However, I used to more and more with each baby! By the time my 3rd came around, I used it daily!
  • This is the one that I have. I think most of the wraps are fairly similar in quality and they are more affordable than the wearable carriers.
  • If you decide to get a wearable carrier, research the different carrier brands a little more carefully. You want to make sure to get a carrier that supports the baby’s hips well and positions their legs in more of a “frog-leg” type of position. If their legs are just dangling there or their knees are lower than the hips DO NOT use that carrier! It is very bad for baby’s hips, especially small babies.

  • This is probably not a “necessity” but this swing and bouncer combo is only $120!
  • I like to have the bouncer part that can detach from the swing so I can easily bring the baby with me. For example, to shower. I bring the bouncer into the bathroom and put the baby in there so I can get a quick shower.

16. Bath tub that grows with baby

  • This tub starts with an infant and grows with the baby until toddlers. It even has a seat for new sitters.

17. Diaper Cream

  • I would recommend having a couple tubes on hand. At least one for each changing station and your diaper bag

18. Gentle baby soap and lotion– Aveeno is my go-to brand for this

19. Diapers and wipes

  • I like to stock up on 1-2 boxes of each size of diapers at least newborn-size 2. I like to make sure I have them on hand and this way I can slowly start buying a box here and there so it’s not such a shock to the pocketbook once the baby comes.
  • I also like to buy a large box or two of wipes from Sam’s Club before the baby comes. I also get unscented wipes. Scented wipes can be hard on a baby’s skin.
  • Here is a post for all the non-baby essentials you should stock up on before baby arrives!

20. Humidifier– if you are in a cold climate in the winter.

  • This is definitely something you want on hand before you actually need it. It’s amazing how much a humidifier can help a baby or any young child really with a cold.
  • Plus it’s just so much better for their sensitive skin!
  • We actually use ours so much that I bought another one for our room.

21. Bottle warmer

  • Some people argue this isn’t necessary… and I can see their point. You can warm up a bowl of water and put the bottle in there, but that takes much more time. And when you have a screaming baby at 2 am, you just want the fastest option available, especially if your baby is used to being breastfed and either you aren’t home or you are cutting back on nighttime nursing sessions!
  • You can also argue that you should get your baby used to cold milk. I can see that point, but that doesn’t work for every baby. My oldest drank cold milk when she was just a couple months old. However, both of my boys refused to drink cold milk until they were over a year! Trust me, I tried. So. Many. Times.
  • You don’t need a fancy bottle warmer. We have a Munchkin brand bottle warmer that we got at Target. It has worked great for 7 years!

  • I could probably go on and on about how amazing this thing is. Click here to read why you NEED a Haakaa and how to use it!
  • I did not discover it until my last baby and man I did NOT know what I was missing out on! Seriously the cheapest version of this (without a base or lid) is $12!
  • It saved me time (when the baby wasn’t ready to eat but I was getting full and didn’t want to pump, I just wore it for 5 minutes on each side while doing dishes and I was good until the baby was ready)!
  • I pumped WAY more. If you want more information on how I increased my breast milk supply, read this post.
  • I use it on the opposite side that I am nursing on and catch any leaking… every drop of breast milk is precious!
  • But for real, if you are breastfeeding, you need this thing!
  • If you are a first time mom, here are some surprising breastfeeding tips and tricks.

23. Baby Sleepers with a zipper

  • I like these sleepers. They work well. Honestly when I am home, baby stays in sleepers most of the day. They are easier to change than onesies and their little feet stay covered.
  • I have about 8-10 sleepers for each size. Then I have plenty where I don’t have to worry about doing laundry constantly.

Unnecessary Baby Items:

  1. Bassinet- just use a pack-n-play instead. They only need a bassinet for a short period. It’s not worth the money or space.
  2. A lot of fancy clothes- you might need 2-3 nice outfits and honestly, that is what most people will buy you after you’ve had a baby. What you need the most are onesies and zip-up sleepers.
  3. Baby shoes- don’t buy them shoes until they can walk! They will just fall off! They are adorable but a total waste of money.
  4. Changing Table- we have one but I rarely use it. I usually use a blanket or changing pad on the floor.
  5. Diaper genie- never had one. I used garbage with a lid and once they are eating solid food, I just run the poopy diaper out to the garbage outside right away. Or just use old grocery bags and tie them shut and put them in your normal garbage.
  6. Wipe warmer- never had one and never felt I needed one.
  7. Diaper bag- just use a backpack, especially once you have more than one kid, you will need 2 free hands. Plus your husband will thank you!
  8. Sound Machine- use a fan instead!

After having 3 kids, these are all the essential baby items I think you need! Don’t waste your money or space buying something you won’t use or will infrequently use.

Also, don’t forget to stock up on essential household items before baby comes! Check out this post for a list of household items to stock up on.

Do you have other baby essentials that aren’t on this list?

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