The Best Honest Norwex Review- Why I Love These Products

I am a busy mom of 3 kids that likes a clean house. This might be an impossible dream, but I try my best. Here my honest review of Norwex products and how I use them to keep my house clean!

I started using Norwex products a little bit here and there about 8 ish years ago. I started with just a few products and each year I’ve added more and more. I have not had a product yet that has disappointed me! I want to share with you how Norwex has made cleaning easier, better, and more efficient for me! Here is my Norwex review.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a percentage (at no extra cost to you) if you make a purchase through a link that I have shared. I am an amazon affiliate.

I am NOT a Norwex consultant, nor do I plan to become one. My purpose for this post is to share this information and what I love about these products because I like my Norwex products. They clean well and I think I save money in the long run!

Let me tell you, I am all about saving money whenever I can… I also try to do my part in saving the environment if I can as well!

I get a lot of anxiety if my house is messy and dirty. I don’t mind cleaning when I have time… which it seems like lately, I rarely have time! I think these products help me to keep my house clean in less time and that decreases my stress levels!

I’ve been looking for ways to make cleaning easier, more efficient, and also healthier! Check out this post for how I keep my house clean and organized with kids. Using Norwex products does make cleaning easier and faster for me. I do plan to tell you about the specific products that save me time! So read on my friends…

But before I start there, I have to go on a rant about something totally unrelated… There are so many terrible ingredients in typical household cleaners. I have small kids that crawl around and put stuff in their mouths. I don’t want them putting chemicals in their mouths and I have been trying to work on decreasing my use of chemicals as much as I can.

I mean why do household cleaners that are around our babies, pets, families, and grandparents have to be so horrible and have ingredients that are bad for us?! I mean look at the ingredients on the backs of your cleaners… some of them are terrifying! Anyways, I am done with my rant… now onto the good stuff…

I went to my friend’s Norwex party about 8 years ago. At that time, I bought an enviro cloth and cleaning paste. I was amazed at how well they worked! So I bought a couple of things at every party I was invited to from that point on.

I’ve gotten a bit of a collection over the years… there are still several products that I haven’t tried that I would like to try.

Honestly, I would have bought more, but they are a big upfront expense… and I am a working mom of littles. I don’t have much extra cash to spend on cleaners.

I do think, for the most part, most of the products have paid for themselves in the end either by saving me time or lasting a long time.

Here are my favorite Norwex products (thus far) and my review of these products:

  1. Enviro-cloth

This totally saves me paper towels! And they work great for a long time… at least 8 years! I use these clothes for nearly everything.

2. Window cloth

This saves so much time, scrubbing, and money.

I no longer buy Windex or any sort of window cleaner. I used to use a TON of paper towels when cleaning the windows. Now all I use is the enviro-cloth, the window cloth, and a bucket of water.

It keeps my windows, my vehicle, stainless steel appliances, and my TV shiny and clean!

I’ve had this product for about 6 years now and it still works perfectly!

3. Cleaning Paste

This (along with 1 enviro-cloth) was the first product I purchased. And it works amazing!

I have used it for so many things… to clean grease off cupboards, clean the stove, oven, bathroom, and basically anything that has a stain or mark I can’t seem to get off!

Seriously this stuff is amazing! It takes grease right off my cabinets without any difficulty!

And this product lasts forever! I still have about half of my tub left that I bought OVER EIGHT YEARS AGO and I use it often. You need such a small amount per use that it lasts so long!

4. Face and Body Cloth

I just bought these a couple of months ago and I love them so far!

Since I started using them, I haven’t used face wash or makeup remover wipes. They take the makeup off with water and the cloth only!

I did test out their effectiveness when I first bought them. I washed my face with the cloth and water only. I then took a makeup remover wipe and used that on my face. Guess what?! The wipe didn’t have any makeup on it when I did that! So to me, that proved that the face and body cloth does well with removing makeup.

A couple of weeks ago, I was working in the yard. I was nice and sweaty. I wanted to finish up what I was doing before I had to run the kids somewhere. When I got done in the yard, I didn’t have enough time to shower. So, I wet the wipe and quickly wiped down my body… don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly not as great as a shower, but it did take the stink and sweat away. I felt better after using it and felt like I could actually be out in public.

So, these wipes have saved me time and money, as I am not having to buy facewash or makeup remover wipes anymore!

5. Kitchen Cloth

These are the best kitchen rags I have ever owned! I use them daily!

I went to a party a few years back and the consultant did a demonstration that showed how well they work on germs and bacteria. She used the cloth to wipe up raw chicken and then used a medical-grade swab to check for bacteria. Guess what? The swab showed no bacteria on the surface where she rubbed raw chicken!

I am not a consultant. So I don’t know all the details of it, but it has to do with the microfibers and also the fact that they use silver in the cloth as well.

I don’t know all the specific details (you would have to ask a consultant for that), but I do know that they work great!

6. Envirowand

This is a long duster that you can bend in different directions to help dust.

It does a great job of picking up dust. I have used it both wet and dry (depending on what I am using it for).

I love to use this for fans, taller ledges, getting dust and spiderwebs out of corners and off the ceiling, light fixtures, etc.

Norwex Products- envirowand, mattress cleaner, cleaning paste, kitchen cloth, window cloth, envirocloth, and face and body cloth

7. Mattress Cleaner

I just got this product a month or so ago and I just used it yesterday. All you do is spray it on your mattress and let it sit for 8 hours. It is supposed to kill dust mites and gets rid of pet dander and dead skin cells (gross!).

I just ordered their laundry detergent and dish soap. I am excited to see how those work.

Honestly, the only thing I have tried from Norwex that I didn’t think was amazing was their drier balls. It’s not that they didn’t work, but I don’t think it decreased my drier time, which is what I was hoping. And my dog thought they were a toy and destroyed them. That is the only product so far that I thought was so-so.

I certainly haven’t ordered everything that Norwex has to offer, but these are some of my favorite products so far. I do use other cleaning products as well (you can see that in my post on how to clean your shower in 10 minutes), but I am trying to get better about using fewer chemicals and finding easier ways to clean.

The products are a large upfront cost and honestly, that is the only reason I don’t have more of them. I do think they save time and money in the long run and I plan to keep trying their products. So, if you want to keep your house clean (check out this post for how to easily keep your house clean), use fewer chemicals, and potentially save money in the long run, check out Norwex!

If you are looking for great cleaning products, I would highly recommend you find your local consultant and try it out!

In the future, I hope to get a Norwex mop. I have wanted to try it for a while, but honestly the price is making me hesitant.

I hope my Norwex review helped you! What Norwex products are your favorite?

Do you have other green cleaning products that you love? I would love to hear about other options!

If you enjoyed this post, check out my post on how to deep clean your house.

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