jogger tying shoe

How To Find Time To Exercise As A Working Mom

Updated 7/21/23

I have 3 kids. After having each kid, I found it more and more difficult to make time for exercise. I always had some excuse (good excuses might I add!) to avoid exercising. In the last year, I have made it a priority to exercise several times a week. Here are some great tips for how to find time to exercise as a working mom.

Exercising is something I have to be very intentional about. It’s hard to find time as a busy mom to exercise, but it is SO important!

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I would love to tell you that it’s all roses and that it is so easy to find time to exercise, but that is not the truth. Honestly, I am great about finding excuses to avoid exercising!

I tell myself, “I will do it after I finish XY and Z.”, but then before I know it, it is bedtime and I haven’t exercised yet for the day. The cycle repeats itself and before I know it, it’s been 2 months since I exercised last.

I honestly don’t know why I do that. I KNOW the benefits of exercise and I KNOW how much better I feel when I exercise regularly.

When I exercise regularly, I feel so much better. I have fewer aches and pains, more energy, less stress, and I just feel so much better overall. I can’t tell you why it is so hard to make the time to exercise when I KNOW it makes me feel better, but it is. Weight loss is certainly a benefit of exercising, but for me, it’s not the reason I exercise.

I like to feel good and I like to have energy, and those are the main two reasons I exercise. I also want to be healthy and set a good example for my children!

For a long time, I would only exercise when my kids were sleeping. I didn’t want to take away from my time with them, but there are so many things that I try to fit in those little windows of time that they are sleeping… meal prep, cleaning, organizing, having conversations with my husband, working, exercising, etc.

There are so many things and it’s impossible to fit them all in while your kids are sleeping… unless you never want to sleep of course, but I get crabby when I don’t sleep. So, that option is out!

This year, I decided to get really intentional and make time to exercise. After reflecting on my current habits, I realized I need to come up with a plan that really works for me. I decided that I don’t HAVE to exercise only when my kids are sleeping and that was a real game changer for me!

My exercise plan is a “hybrid” model. I don’t do the same thing every day, but I did find something that worked well for me to make sure I got my exercising in. It varies week to week what I do based on what works for my families schedule that week.

There are several different “activities” or exercises that I do and I will get to that in a little bit, but first I wanted to tell you about different ways I find time during the day to exercise.

How To Find Time To Exercise As A Working Mom:

  • Exercise When Your Kids Are Awake And Playing.
  • I usually give them an activity to do or a game to play while I exercise. Typically I will do an exercise video with some light hand weight during this.
  • Yes, I get interrupted frequently, but I still get my exercise in. It just takes a little longer than it normally does, but I still get the benefits of exercising and it is better than nothing.

  • Exercise while they are sleeping.
  • Of course, I had to add this in there. I mean it is an opportune time to exercise, but just not always feasible.

  • Have someone watch your kids while you exercise.
  • My husband watches them sometimes (usually 1 day a week or so) while I exercise and I do the same for him. This way we are both promoting each other’s health!
  • Get a sitter or have a family member babysit. When I am training for a race, if I am really having a hard time getting in a good long run, I will ask my mom or a sitter to watch the kids for an hour or so. Let’s be honest, some exercising (like a long run, club sport, or an intense exercise) cannot be done with your kids around. This can solve that problem.

  • Exercise with your kids.
  • This is a great way to get your kids interested in exercising and discovering great ways to be active.
  • My kids love to play volleyball, basketball, baseball, and football. We can work on these skills and be active together. It’s not usually a super intense exercise, but it is activity for both of you.
  • There are also many great kid friendly videos and exercises on YouTube. My kids love GoNoodles and kids yoga.
  • Turn on some music and just dance!

  • Break your workout up into smaller chunks
  • Who said your exercising has to be done all at once?! Not me!
  • Some days, my exercising consists of a few smaller things… I might have 5-10 minutes to take a quick walk or jog and then later in the day I might have 5-10 minutes to do some arm strengthening.
  • Find something that works and if it has to be in smaller time chunks, that is just fine!
  • Remember to be kind to yourself! It doesn’t have to be perfect!

Great Ways To Exercise As A Busy Parent:

I try to get in 3-4 days of exercising in each week. I typically spend anywhere from 20-60 minutes exercising, but you don’t need to do that much. Do what you have time for and what works for you! Any exercise is good exercise!

  1. Putting the kids in a stroller and going for a walk or jog
  1. My kids are limited for how long they will sit still in the stroller, but I can usually get 30-45 minutes in before they get too antsy.
  2. I have 3 kids but only a double stroller. When my youngest was an infant, I would wear him in a wrap and push the other two. Now that my youngest is 3, years, that is not possible. I either have my oldest ride a bike while the two young ones ride in the stroller (but then I am limited to going on a trail) or I have the kids take turns walking/jogging with me. If you have more than one kid, a good quality double stroller is a must!

2. Club Sport or exercise class

  • Volleyball is usually my sport of choice. Our local community has both winter and summer volleyball leagues that are both co-ed and women’s leagues only.
  • In the past, I have participated in yoga classes and Zoomba classes.
  • The great thing about club sports or classes is that they are scheduled and someone is counting on you being there. So, it is harder to back out of these and it forces me to do it. Plus it’s great adult interaction.

3. Participate in a race

4. Exercise videos

  • I love these. There is such a wide variety of both free and paid classes and they can be done at any time. Sometimes I will do them while the kids are awake, sometimes while they are sleeping, but either way, it doesn’t really matter.
  • I can easily start and stop a video if my kids need something while I am exercising.
  • I love the flexibility of these classes and also the variety. Plus they are a great thing to do when the weather isn’t very conducive to exercising outside.
  • This can be a great budget friendly way to exercise.
  • Here are a few exercise videos that I love: 30 day shred and Ripped in 30.
  • I did end up buying these adjustable hand weights for at home for exercise videos.

5. Having someone watch my kids so I can go for a run by myself

  • I usually only do this when I am training for a race, but it is nice to get out and run by myself sometimes.

6. Swimming

  • This is great exercise and something my kids also love to do.
  • I don’t usually do this without my kids, but I do enjoy it.
  • Plus it’s a great way to cool off after a hot day!

7. Play a sport with my kids

  • For my family, it’s usually baseball, volleyball, football or basketball. But no matter what we are playing, I typically can get in some good movement.
  • It’s not as intense of an exercise, but it’s still exercise and movement.
  • Plus it’s super fun for all of us! And a great example to set for the kids.

I don’t typically do the same exercise or workout every day or even every week. I do a variety of these options and find what fits into our schedule for that week.

Some days are easier than others to fit exercise in, but I try to plan it out week by week. That gives me time to find a sitter if that is necessary.

Being a parent and exercising can be challenging, but I encourage you to find something that works for you and your family! That might mean doing little chunks of exercise here and there and that is ok!

Do you have other great ways to find time to exercise as a working mom or busy parent? I would love to hear them!

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